MANGAYARKARASI COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING is dedicated to the cause of  education and endeavors to develop their finest potentialities according to their capacities and there by prepare them to take their place in domestic, social and national life effectively. the college is approved by the all India council for technical education, new Delhi and affiliated to Anna university, Chennai.

MANGAYARKARASI GROUP OF INSTITUTION is endowed by our Founder Amarar K. PITCHAIAH PILLAI is standing out as a premier center of Higher learning with a mission of pursuing excellence in education and research.

MANGAYARKARASI COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING is under the aegis of Mangayarkarasi Educational Trust which is striving in the field of education for the last seventy five years in Madurai, the cultural capital of Tamil Nadu. The trust is running many educational institutions from Nursery to Engineering education. It has nearly 15000 students and 650 staffs to promote a quality education with a traditional touch to work for the service of humanity and promotion of human values.


MCE is situated on the bank of River Vaigai in Paravai, Madurai, just 10 mins drive from the Madurai Arappalayam bus Terminal and very well connected to prominent place in Madurai. MCE Campus provides a Great Ambiance. The Infrastructure will be one of the best in the region. It provides co-working space, Individual office spaces equipped with high speed internet connectivity, High end Laboratories with Wi-Fi Facilities, Ample meeting and discussion rooms, library, etc. to meet world class quality education to our Rural Area Aspiring students.



To be world class innovative, competitive up to date, academic institution providing technological and other inputs appropriate to the branch of study a student has undertaken. It is also to offer technological and skill training programme to meet the aspirations of the rural community and uplift the social economic status of the week and needy sections of the society.


To be among the leading Indian academic institutions turning out readily employable students in technology and other branches of studies contributing to the industry, trade, academics, research, and development and society as well in addition to providing systems and services in the related fields, their infrastructure and potential areas. It is to motivate all rural people, physically handicapped and weaker sections of the society to participate in the professional activities for enhancement of their socio-economic status.


Mangayarkarasi college of engineering is dedicated to the cause of  education and endeavors to develop their finest potentialities according to their capacities and there by prepare them to take their place in domestic, social and national life effectively. the college is approved by the all India council for technical education, new Delhi and affiliated to Anna university, chennai.

Amarar.K.Pitchaiah Pillai


Mrs.R.Kalyaniammal D.TEd.,


Mr.P.AshokKumar M.A.,M.Ed.,BGL.,


Er.A.Shakti Pranesh, B.E.,M.B.A(U.K.)


The trust has been registered under registration act. (D.NO 315 of 1995 dated 6th November 1995).the main aim of the trust is to educate the rural people and to improve their economic status. In 2013 the trust is involved in upliftment of the youth of rural by providing them the opportunities for higher education and established a chain of educational institutions.

The founder’s vision is to making this institution a center of academic excellence in the areas of science and engineering education, transmitting moral values with focus on the development of rural people. The establishment of the college fulfills his long cherished desire of providing access to high quality technical education to the aspiring youth of this area.


Prinicpal's Message

  • Chartered Engineer, Regional Coordinator-ISTE
  • Board of Director, PC deputy head, Branch president, IETI, Hongkong
  • Reviewer & Editor for Elsevier, Springer, PES, IES, WSEAS, IET, journals
  • Ph.D. in EEE Anna University, Chennai – 2013
  • M.B.A in Human Resources, Alagappa University, Karikudi – 2008
  • M.E in Power Electronics and Drives, Bharathidasan University, Trichy – 2000
  • B.E in EEE at Madurai Kamaraj University- 1999
Teaching Experience
  • Total years of teaching Experience : 18 years 5 months
  • Number of International Journal Published : 13
  • Number of International level Paper Presentation : 12
  • Number of National Level Paper Presentation : 35
  • Specialization : Power Electronics & Drives, Renewable Energy, Special machines
Number of Books Published : 04
  1. Solid State Drives, Anuradha Publications, Kumbakonam.
  2. Electrical Machines and Drives, Anuradha Publications, Kumbakonam.
  3. Electrical Drives and Controls, Anuradha Publications, Kumbakonam.
  4. Special Electrical Machines, Anuradha Publications, Kumbakonam.
  • Number of Seminars/workshops Organized : 50
  • Number of Guest Lectures Delivered : 40
  • Number of National Conferences organized : 10
  • Number of BE / M.E Projects guided : UG- 45 & PG-25
  • No of International /National conference key note lectures delivered : 15
  • Career guidance program for School students : 15 Govt. schools (More than 8000 students were benefited) Madurai, dindigul, senkottai, sankarankovil, courtallum, ilangi Number of Research Projects completed : 01 (DRDO, New Delhi)
  • Completed a Research Project grant of Rs 15 Lakhs from DRDO, New Delhi for 3 years titled as “DC-DC Converter CSI fed BLDC motor Drive” and also completed the Project in the year 2013.
  • Number of Seminar Grants Received : 03 Received the seminar grant of Rs 35,000/- organizing the Seminar on “Special Electrical machines” from DRDO, New Delhi.
  • Received the Seminar Grant of Rs 20,000/- From ISTE, New Delhi
  • Received the National Conference Grant of Rs 5000/- from ISTE, Tamilnadu section
  • Received the mini-project grant of Rs 5000/-from RUTAG, IIT Madras
  • Received the amount of Rs 20,000/ from EDII for organizing Entrepreneurship camp
Initiated Tie-up (MOUs) with following companies:
  1. Purdue University, USA
  2. PANTECH solutions, Chennai
  3. Vi Micro systems, Chennai
  4. ABE Semiconductor Designs, Chennai
  5. Bluetronics, Bangalore
  6. Axis Global automation, Chennai
  7. KL university, Andhra Pradesh
  8. Great Innovus Solutions, Singapore & Madurai
  9. SIPPO, Madurai
  10. Elysium academy, Madurai
Reviewer for the following International Journals:
  1. IJEPES (Elsevier), EPCS (Taylor & Francis), Journal of Power Electronics.
  2. Journal of Electrical Engineering, Journal of Electrical Technology.
  3. WSEAS Journals
Membership in Professional bodies:
  1. Life member in Indian Society for Technical Education, New Delhi (LM-31451)
  2. Life member in Institution of Engineers (India), Kolkata. (M-1411904)
  3. Life member in International Association of Engineers, Hong Kong. (M-139850)
Number of awards received : 12
  • Received the “Dr.Kalam Social Activist Award-2016” by world Youth Federation, Chennai. 
  • Received the Best “ISTE Chapter Chairman Award-2015” for the Engineering Colleges in Tamil Nadu and Pondicherry Section in the year 2015 with a cash prize of Rs 3,000.
  • Received the “Senior Educator & Scholar Award-2015” from NFED, Bangalore.
  • Received the “IET Young Teacher Award-2013” with a Cash prize of Rs 2,000 from Institution of Engineers (India), Kolkata.
  • Received the Best “ISTE Chapter Secretary Award-2012” for the Engineering Colleges in Tamil Nadu and Pondicherry Section in the year 2012 with a cash prize of Rs 3,000.
  • Received the “IEI Young Engineers -National Award-2009 & 2012” and Cash prize of Rs. 10,000/- from Institution of Engineers (India), Kolkata.
  • Received the “Young Engineer & Engineer of the Year Award-2007” for the Engineering Colleges in Tamil Nadu and Pondicherry Section from Energy society of India, Bhopal.
  • Received the Best ISTE Student’s Chapter Award-2007 for the Engineering Colleges in Tamil Nadu and Pondicherry Section in the year 2007.
  • Received the Best ISTE Student’s Chapter Staff Advisor Award-2006 for the Engineering Colleges in Tamil Nadu and Pondicherry Section in the year 2006.
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